I am amazed by children and their ability to adapt to new situations. Children have a wonderful curiosity and openness towards life. They know intuitively that change cannot be avoided - thus there is no point in resisting it - much easier to embrace it. If children would give up when the going gets tough, they would never learn to crawl, walk, write or speak. Adults have the same gift, but somehow along the way we've lost it. Change can be scary and difficult at times, but nonetheless the fact of change is real, and very present. So my gift to you today is 7 simple steps towards embracing change. Enjoy!
1. Know that change begins within. Your life will begin to improve the minute you take action to improve it. Don't let the changes get you down, but lift you up, and move past them.
2. You are what you listen to. Invite joyful music into your life - it makes all the difference. Make happy playlists on your MP3 player, and make sure to listen to at least one of them everyday. Turn the TV off and play music that makes you feel happy - you will be amazed at how it can change the energy of your entire household.
3. Deposit into your self esteem account. People either fuel you or drain you. So choose wisely whom you spend time with. Surround yourself daily with people who deposit into you, don’t be around people who drain you and make constant withdrawals. You know who these people are in your life. If you find it difficult to say no or constantly give in although your gut feeling (same as intuition or internal GPS) tells you that it's wrong, remember that you only need to be true to yourself. It's your life, it's your decision.
4. Look for solutions not problems. We get what we focus on! So focus on the good and positive things - start practicing gratitude - be grateful for your life and everything you have in it. Practice gratitude by writing 50 things that you are grateful for everyday (for 1 month). Notice the difference. Once you start to practice gratitude on a daily basis, you will notice how your thinking changes the way you feel and think - positive things just seem coming your way - with very little effort. If something is not going the way you want it to be, then STOP and take time to reflect what it is that you still need to work on. Every experience is a blessing and a gift. Thus be grateful and open. The solution may come in a different way than you expect.
5. Become your own best friend. Treat yourself the way you treat others - especially the way you treat your best friend. Look after your body, your health and your mind. After all you get what you put up with - you deserve to be treated well and it all starts with YOU.
6. Know there is a huge difference between existing & really living. How do you choose to live? Existing is hard and slow. If you want to put the spark back in your life do what’s necessary. Exercise, eat healthy, meditate, travel to exotic places, take on a new hobby, or change career - whatever makes you feel alive. Live as if you only have a month left on this planet. How much are you ready to invest?
7. Embrace the Abundance mentality. Give yourself credit for all your accomplishments each day. Dwell on the joy of your child's achievements, your own success and your dreams, whatever they are. Let go of the guilt so that you can thrive. Remember, you are a great mother, father, spouse, lover, employee, and friend.
WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW and once again WOW!!! I soooo need to take some time to REALLY FOCUS on what I just read :), and then start taking action, even if it would be with baby steps.
Helt huippu Ava!!!
I totally agree, but you have to take a small piece at a time and it will really make a big change in the end... =)
Another good tip, which is quit similar, is Steven R Covey - The 7 Habits of Highly Effective people. These seven habits are very similar, but with other words...
Best regards
Thank you Al for your comment. I totally agree with you, taking small steps is the key towards any change. It is a life long process... =)
PS. I am familiar with Steven R Covey and his book.
Warm regards,
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